
May 9, 2023

Chasing Flows

How much of the water from the Estuary’s creeks and rivers should be left to run into and through the Delta to support fish and protect water quality—and how much can be held behind dams or diverted to irrigate farms and supply cities—has been a central management question for decades, and has informed several ambitious efforts to repair the Estuary’s decimated ecosystem. In 1992, the same year that Estuary News began publication, Congress passed the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA), allocating 800,000 acre-feet of water per year to the environment and kicking off years of squabbling and litigation over how the water was counted and when and where it could be used. Later efforts included the 1994 Bay-Delta Accord, and...
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Delta Smelt

Saving Smelt

Ever since this tiny, 2-3-inch-long, silver fish was first listed as threatened in 1993, and then later as endangered in 2009, efforts to understand and protect Delta Smelt have been central driver of San Francisco Estuary management efforts. Over the decades, as the species has become increasing scarce, the focus has changed from understanding how the smelt use Estuary habitats, and its lifecycle, to political debates about fish versus farms and the proverbial water wars. Over time, managers labored to keep the species away from the water project pumps and to enhance its estuarine habitats via water quality standard known as “X2”. More recently, efforts have revolved about last ditch attempts to protect the gene pool in labs, culture fish,...
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